Terms & Conditions
Lesson Fees
The price of the baby yoga / baby massage course is monthly and includes the use of mats and weekly course handouts. Our lessons are not a set number each month - sometimes they are 4, sometimes 5 a month and in very rare circumstances 3.
All lesson fees, including private bookings, must be made and up to date prior to the class. Participants will not be allowed to take part in any class until a monthly subscription or payment has been made or set up on Class4Kids.
As subscriptions are taken on the first of every month in advance of lessons, new customers who begin lessons before making their first payment may be subject to a Covering Payment. This will be prorated and added to your first payment. The following month will revert to the normal price.
Existing customers may be subject to a Covering Payment or Subscription Price Change if they change or add classes outside of their original plan.
In all instances of a Covering Payment or a Subscription Price Change, customers will be informed by email.
Re-enrolment for the next block of lessons is completed automatically by a subscription payment made through Class4Kids on the 1st of every month. This monthly payment will continue until you give 30 days written notice via email to info@ourfirststeps.co.uk. If the payment fails on the 1st, there will be a reattempt to take this payment 3 days later (4th). If this second attempt fails, a final attempt will be made 5 days later (9th). Participants may however be refused entry during this period until payments are brought up to date.
It is the customer's responsibility to maintain payments for the participants lessons as their place may be forfeited and offered to someone else on the waiting list if payments are not up to date.
Adverse Weather Conditions
Unfortunately, in this country, we are often on the receiving end of some really bad weather. Heavy rain, gale force winds, snow, ice, etc.! This can sometimes result in a pool being closed because the operator's staff can't get to work. If this happens, we will let you know with as much notice as possible. A catch-up lesson will be offered when the venue reopens. If, however, the instructor has deemed the weather fit for travelling, but you have taken the decision not to attend, you shall not be reimbursed.
Non-Attendance/Cancelled Lessons
Any lessons not attended by a participant are forfeited, whether due to illness or holidays.
If a lesson is cancelled for unforeseen reasons by 'Our First Steps', a message will be sent at our earliest opportunity via text to the mobile phone number supplied to us by you. It is the customer's responsibility to keep 'Our First Steps' updated of any changes to the details submitted to us on your initial booking. Any cancelled lessons by us, will be rearranged as a catch-up lesson for that week.
Classes cannot be cancelled once a payment has been made. If a participant does not wish to continue their lessons, or wishes to amend the day or time of their classes, please give 30 days' written notice via email to info@ourfirststeps.co.uk. Lessons cannot to transferred, offered as credit or be refunded once a payment has been made.
Any lessons not attended by a participant are forfeited, whether due to illness or holidays.
All participants are notified of term dates upon booking. Participants will also be notified via email and social media of any holiday closures that will affect lessons, such as at Christmas and Bank Holidays. During these periods, the monthly subscription price will not be changed. If a customer does not wish to enrol for that month, please send a cancellation email as per our 'Re-enrolement' provision above. Cancellation cannot be completed retrospectively and, as such, we will not offer refunds, or partial refunds for lessons which fall on these dates.
Sickness of parent / carer or baby
In the event that you or your baby are unwell or whether you are unsure if it is ok to attend a class, it is your responsibility to contact the instructor before leaving the house to attend the class. This is so the instructor can assess the risk to the other participants and advise you whether or not to attend the class.
If you or your baby has had vomiting and diarrhoea, please only attend the class if you have been clear of any symptoms for a minimum of 48 hours. This is for the safety and consideration of the other parents, carers and babies.
Please NEVER attend a class if your baby has chicken pox or either of you have conjunctivitis or any other infectious conditions. Again, this is for the safety of the other participants.
It is the parents or carers responsibility to adhere to the above. 'Our First Steps' cannot be held accountable for any lack of disclosure of the above. The instructor reserves the right to request the parent or carer to leave a class if they or their baby have been suffering from any of the above.
'Our First Steps' will not accept liability for any infection passed to a participant by another participant.
Photography and videos
To respect other parents / carers and baby's privacy, no photography will be allowed during these classes unless written consent has been provided from the instructor and every other parent or carer attending the class. The person taking the photo will be asked to also sign a disclaimer declaring that these photos will not be used on any social media site or any other website unless permission is granted by the other parents or carers and the instructor.
Under no circumstances are videos allowed to be taken during the classes.
If a person is suspected of taking pictures without the required consent or indeed videos, the instructor reserves the right to ask this person to leave the course without reimbursement.
'Our First Steps' will not be held responsible for any person in breach of regulations relating to photography and video.
Again, in the interest of respecting people's privacy, no observers will be allowed regardless of whether they are a friend or family member.
Personal property (concerning baby massage and yoga classes)
'Our First Steps' will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal property whilst attending a class.
Health and Safety (issues relating to baby massage/yoga classes)
Please place your belongings in a neat and tidy location within the room so that it does not pose a hazard to others.
Please be respectful of other classes and do not enter the booked room until the previous class is finished.
Phones should be put on silent during the class to ensure a calm relaxed atmosphere.
Age restrictions
To take part in baby massage it is recommended to wait until after the 6 week postnatal check-up. For baby yoga it is recommended that baby is 16 weeks before participating.
Class participation
Baby massage / yoga will be performed on the floor using the mats supplied. The parent or carer will be expected to be able to kneel safely on the floor without any concerns to their physical health.
Per class, only one parent/guardian is able to attend due to space. We will not allow observers to be present regardless of their relationship to baby.
As baby massage is based on bonding, only a parent/carer or guardian is permitted to bring baby to these classes. A friend, older sibling or otherwise is not sufficient and will be turned away without compensation.
The class moves/strokes is to be carried out by the individual parent or carer.
The instructor will only demonstrate the moves/strokes on the demonstration baby. They will NEVER do any strokes or moves with a participating baby.
Exclusion of liability clause
With the lack of any proven carelessness, negligence or violation of the role as an instructor, participation of any parent, family member, carer or baby is done entirely at your or their own risk, therefore 'Our First Steps' will not be held responsible.
Medical history
The importance of informing the instructor of any medical conditions needs to be highlighted here. It is the parent or carers responsibility to notify the instructor of any health conditions which may have any impact on them whilst they attend a baby yoga or massage course.
Where there are any medical conditions present, it is the parent or carers responsibility to seek medical advice and gain consent to participate, prior to booking a baby yoga or massage course.
'Our First Steps' will not be held responsible for any failure to adhere to the above.
Baby changing and nappy disposal
Please change baby in the provided changing facilities or on a suitable mat on the floor. Please dispose of nappies in the designated bins provided.
Dispute Resolution
In case of any dispute, please write to us at info@ourfirststeps.co.uk. Your correspondence will be replied to within 5 working days.
Privacy Policy
We respect and protect your privacy in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
All rights reserved. All material - visual and written - that appears on www.ourfirststeps.co.uk is owned by or licensed to 'Our First Steps'. The use of any part of this website or its contents, other than for personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without prior permission of 'Our First Steps'.
This website, its content and any orders placed via the site, or associated sites, are governed by and in accordance with English law. Any disputes which arise with similarly be dealt with under this jurisdiction.